With more than 180 breweries producing over 900 delicious varieties of beer, Belgium is truly a beer lover’s mecca. A stroll through any Belgium street and you are sure to encounter countless bars and pubs offering freshly brewed beer. But who’s to say what these beers taste like? Among the many many varieties available, Trappist is mostly renowned for its historic value, distinct taste and two-stage brewing. Lambic beers taste a lot like wine, while fruit lambics come with a dash of cherry or raspberry and often served in flute-style glasses. Gueuze ranges from its sparkling crispness to vinegary sourness, whereas white or wheat beers are frequently fermented with orange peels and other spices. Nevertheless, don’t let this diversity overwhelm you, learning the finer details of Belgian beer can be daunting. Loved by most around the world, Belgian beers are one-of-a-kind with a taste that keeps you coming back for more. Who said Belgium was only about chocolates and waffles?

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