Chocolate diet
Can you imagine a perfect world where you can lose weight just by eating chocolate? Well, the world can be a crazy place but we do have a solution for you: The Chocolate diet.
The chocolate diet is gaining more and more fans and is becoming more and more popular for its easy performance in the hectic everyday life.
With a chocolate diet you can lose up to six pounds in a week!. The average daily calorific value is 580 calories. This diet suits the modern pace of life. It is only for seven days and the visible results appear on the third day!.
The chocolate diet completely excludes the consumption of sugar and salt. You should refrain from natural juices, carbonated beverages that cause increased appetite. Bad news is don’t think the chocolate diet allows huge amounts of chocolate a day.
When choosing a chocolate diet, you should eat 100 grams of chocolate for the whole day and nothing more. You can eat it all at once, but it’s better to divide it into three parts, because let’s face it, we have no self control.
You can’t consume white chocolate because it doesn’t contain cocoa. The three chocolate drinks are accompanied by a cup of sugar free, which can be mixed with a little low-fat milk. Coffee speeds up metabolism.
The chocolate diet is suitable for both natural and milk chocolate. You can also use chocolate and add some raisins or nuts.
The chocolate diet completely prohibits the consumption of any amount of salt and sugar. In this way, excess fluid is discharged from the body.
You should also avoid drinking juices, even freshly squeezed, as well as carbonated water or beverages that can increase your appetite.
The chocolate diet also excludes all types of fruits and vegetables as well as alcohol. Drinking any beverages – water or green tea – is possible not earlier than three hours after drinking chocolate with a cup of coffee.
You should drink at least one liter and two hundred milliliters of water daily. You can repeat the chocolate diet not earlier than a month, as it causes a significant detriment to the body.
And for us that can’t stay away from the whole chocolate, we can make a chocolate discharge day if we can’t take a whole seven days. The menu is the same as in the chocolate diet days – one hundred grams of chocolate and three cups of coffee for the whole day.
The chocolate diet is contraindicated in people with diabetes, as well as people with allergies. Diseases of the liver and bile exclude the possibility of chocolate diet. It is also forbidden in hypertension mostly because of coffee.
What do you think? Are you up for the challenge? Where do I sign up?